Soil, water conservation funding may flow Iowa Farmer Fri, 21 Jan 2005 1:48 PM PST DES MOINES -- A disagreement over state funding of soil and water conservation districts may result in new legislation this spring. The first bill introduced in the legislative agriculture committees this month deals with funding for soil and water conservation districts. | Water everywhere, only one drop to drink Niles Daily Star Sat, 22 Jan 2005 3:17 AM PST Sure, water covers 70 percent of the earth's surface. But if you could somehow pour it all in a two-liter bottle, the proportion left for the world's drinking and daily use, including industry and agriculture, would be one drop. | Water Quality funding applications to be taken by Conservation districts News Democrat & Leader Fri, 21 Jan 2005 4:16 PM PST The Kentucky Soil Erosion and Water Quality Cost Share Program was created to help agricultural operations protect the soil and water resources of Kentucky. This program is a result of House Bill 377 that was passed in the 1994 General Assembly. | SeedQuest - Central information website for the global seed industry SeedQuest Fri, 21 Jan 2005 8:42 AM PST A new type of plastic cover that helps stop chemical soil fumigants from escaping into the atmosphere could provide a timely alternative for farmers facing a ban on methyl bromide, according to Agricultural Research Service scientists. | Bee Web site helps farmers find beekeepers Bladen Journal Fri, 21 Jan 2005 9:03 AM PST To some people, bees may represent a nuisance to be avoided in the yard and garden. But to fruit and vegetable farmers, bees are as important as the soil the plants grow in. | Conservation district sponsors speaking contest Enterprise Mountaineer Fri, 21 Jan 2005 8:33 AM PST Haywood County seventh and eighth grade students will soon have a chance to do something many adults find intimidating — public speaking. The Haywood Soil and Water Conservation District is sponsoring its annual speech contest. | An idealistic farmers’ paradise Santa Cruz Sentinel Sat, 22 Jan 2005 5:08 AM PST PACIFIC GROVE — Benjamin Fahrer, an organic vegetable farmer north of Bodega Bay, said he’d love to return to the barter system. Cash would be useless, he said, food would be priceless, and virtually all goods and services would revolve around the end product: Better food on your table. | Report: Bolster state's ag sector The Indianapolis Star Fri, 21 Jan 2005 11:40 PM PST BioCrossroads analysis has blueprint for giant eco-parks that utilize Indiana crops. Imagine the state being dotted with giant-sized industrial parks that turn crops into products like meat, ethanol and plastics -- while being a model of environmental responsibility. | How Will Rising CO2 Affect Nitrogen Use? Science Daily Fri, 21 Jan 2005 9:01 PM PST Wheat grown under elevated levels of carbon dioxide over the next half-century will need slightly more nitrogen to grow, but not as much as previously predicted, according to a two-year study by Agricultural Research Service scientists and cooperators. | Plan forage activities now Green Island Independent Fri, 21 Jan 2005 11:05 PM PST Put your 2005 calendars to good use by planning this year's forage activities now. Make notes on calendars to complete needed work on a timely basis. For example, order alfalfa and other seeds now. |
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